User Name – enter the name given to you by your supervisor. On first installation the default user name is demo and password is demo. For obvious security reasons it is strongly recommended that the demo user name and password be removed from the system and an appropriate user name and password be created. To […]
Category: PFIM
PFIM Configuration
No additional configuration needs to be made under most circumstances. The only exception to this would be for users accessing a centrally networked and shared database . An ini file is created for each user and each instance of PFIM that the user runs. The ini file specifies the name and location of the […]
Running PFIM For The First Time
Select Start – All Programs – PFIM – PFIM. A notice – PFIM is loading appears. The first time PFIM is run a message box appears notifying you that the Primary Database cannot be found – this is part of the program’s auto configuration process – click on Yes and allow the configuration to continue. […]
What is PFIM
PFIM (Peritus Financial & Inventory Management) is an accounting and stock control program which presents a simple interface to the user while with the help of system defaults and customised settings maintains the integrity of the data and the overall balance and well being of the accounting and stock systems of a business entity.
Job Management Console
Welcome to our Job management console. This form is accessed via Job Costing – Bulk Job Card Management . We have created this new feature to assist you to control and manage your jobs. Filters: The Job Card Selection Criteria enables you to retrieve a subsection of Jobs based on selection criteria. Select the […]
How do I sort out a creditor or debtor where matching is imbalanced?
We have added some great functionality to help you sort out accounts that have been incorrectly matched. Step 1: Go to the Creditor or Debtor account in question. Step 2: Select the Sales/Purchase and Budget button in the bottom right of the Master File. Step 3: Select ‘Account Transactions’ at the bottom of the page. […]
How to install PFIM Software on a Windows machine
Note: If you are on a Windows 7 or Vista Machine you need to be very specific on following these steps in Order. 1.) Copy the PFIM installer onto the Desktop of the machine being installed. Windows 7 or Vista Machine Right click on the installer and Select Run as Administrator. If Prompted for Access […]
Working with multiple Databases and INI files
Note: Each database used by a user needs its own INI file Edit the INI to point to your Database Windows 7 or Vista Machine Move the IAM.ini file from the “C:\Program Files\PFIM” or “C:\Program Files (x86)\PFIM” folder to your desktop and edit the file as below. Windows XP Find the IAM.ini file in the […]
Backing up your Database
Note: Before backing up your database: All OTHER Users MUST BE LOGGED OFF. On MySQL – contact support on 0861737488 to ensure that they have backed up your Database. On Access – 1. Locate the Database Open PFIM Click on SETUP On the CONFIGURATION Screen Click on ENVIRONMENT The image below is a section of […]
Working with INI files on Terminal Servers
Note: Each database used needs its own INI file. Note: You can have one shared ini per database or save the ini in the users Home Directory so it is not shared with other users. Create a Home Folder: In Terminal Server ensure you have a Home Folder mapped to a drive letter like H: […]