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PFIM Configuration

No additional configuration needs to be made under most circumstances. The only exception to this would be for users accessing a  centrally networked and shared database .


An ini file is created for each user and each instance of PFIM that the user runs. The ini file specifies the name and location of the database file(s), error file and reports files. It also contains standard settings for the Microsoft Access database engine which is the default database used by Inventory And Accounts Management.


The Licensing program (included with Inventory And Accounts Management) can be used to automatically create or modify this .ini file.


The Licensing program can also be used to modify modules that you are licensed to use, change the name of the licensee and change the number of simultaneous users. NB: any changes to the system using the Licensing program will require a License Key which is issued to you on purchasing of the modules or simultaneous users. If the system is tampered with in any manner without a corresponding key it can become unusable.


A sample ini file is included with linked notes explaining the sections below:















PrimaryDatabase – This setting specified in the  .ini file tells the program where to find the primary database file – the full drive, path and file name must be specified. UNC (Universal Naming Convention eg \SRV1C-DRIVEACCOUNTS) paths are also supported.