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How to install PFIM Software on a Windows machine

Note: If you are on a Windows 7 or Vista Machine you need to be very specific on following these steps in Order.

1.) Copy the PFIM installer onto the Desktop of the machine being installed.

Windows 7 or Vista Machine
Right click on the installer and Select Run as Administrator.
If Prompted for Access Control select Yes.

Windows XP
Double Click the installer

2.) Follow on screen instructions while PFIM installs.

Select Next
Select Typical
Select Install
Select Finish

3.) Edit the INI to point to your Database

Windows 7 or Vista Machine
Move the IAM.ini file from the “c:Program FilesPFIM” or “c:Program Files (x86)PFIM” folder to your desktop and edit the file as below.

Windows XP
Find the IAM.ini file in the “c:Program FilesPFIM” or “c:Program Files (x86)PFIM” folder and edit the file as below.

Open the file with Notepad for editing

Copy the content of the PrimaryDataBase from a colleague’s machine or contact support if you are unsure of it.
For most users it will be “\serverPFIMPFIM.mdb” or “c:program FilesPFIMIAM.mdb” or something of that nature.

If you use MySQL as a server the PrimaryDataBase will be quite complex so copy it from a friend.

You will also need to copy the PathToReports to ensure you can use shared reports and custom reports for your site

After file is edited correctly save and close.

Windows 7 or Vista Machine
Remember to Move the IAM.ini file back from the desktop to “c:Program FilesPFIM” or “c:Program Files (x86)PFIM” .
Select Cut and Paste back to the folder you moved it out of.