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Category: Configure
PFIM Workgroup Security
This is only necessary when multiple users will be logging into PFIM simultaneously from the same PC in Access database environments – this is specifically designed for Terminal Servers where the PC name is the same for connecting clients and this causes issues with the locking file locking mechanism used by the Microsoft Jet database […]
Create A Technician
Creating a Technician (from v 3.0.299) Creating a technician requires that you have first created your internal organisation as a customer or supplier, and associated the technician as a contact. This is done via Customer – Master File (This process is documented separately.) Inside your internal organisation you need to create a contact for each […]
Create A Sales Agent
Creating a Sales Agent (from v 3.0.299) Creating a sales agent requires that you have first created your internal organisation as a customer or supplier, and associating the sales agent as a contact. This is done via Customer – Maser File (This process is documented separately.) Inside your internal organisation you need to create a […]
System Setup Screen
How to get here select Setup – Program Setup – Setup System Defaults and Options . The System Tab: The System Setup Screen is where you specify details about your accounting system and select system defaults and system settings. Debit Trade Discount Account – if this check box is checked then every time trade discount […]
Take On Balances
The Take On Balances screen allows you to set up your ledgers (Debtors – Customers, Creditors – Suppliers, General Ledger) opening balances. You will need every body out of the PFIM system and under Program Setup – System you will need to turn on ‘In Setup Mode’ and Save. Exit and restart PFIM. From the […]
Setup Menu
How to get here: Click on the Setup button on the Main Menu. The Setup Menu: The Set Up Menu gives you access to the various screens where the system is configured. ‘Exit‘ just exits the ‘Configuration’ menu. ‘Program Setup‘ enables you to configure your accounts, general ledger, invoicing and statement stationery and many […]
Setting Up
Before any transactions can be processed the program must be configured and setup. The setting up includes specifying details about the company concerned and setting system defaults. The system defaults ensure that the users are prevented from processing entries in such a way as to upset the general accounting controls such as preventing the […]
PFIM Configuration
No additional configuration needs to be made under most circumstances. The only exception to this would be for users accessing a centrally networked and shared database . An ini file is created for each user and each instance of PFIM that the user runs. The ini file specifies the name and location of the […]
Running PFIM For The First Time
Select Start – All Programs – PFIM – PFIM. A notice – PFIM is loading appears. The first time PFIM is run a message box appears notifying you that the Primary Database cannot be found – this is part of the program’s auto configuration process – click on Yes and allow the configuration to continue. […]