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Category: PFIM

Create A Technician

Creating a Technician  (from v 3.0.299) Creating a technician requires that you have first created your internal organisation as a customer or supplier, and associated the technician as a contact. This is done via Customer – Master File (This process is documented separately.) Inside your internal organisation you need to create a contact for each […]

Create A Sales Agent

Creating a Sales Agent (from v 3.0.299) Creating a sales agent requires that you have first created your internal organisation as a customer or supplier, and associating the sales agent as a contact. This is done via Customer – Maser File (This process is documented separately.) Inside your internal organisation you need to create a […]

Job Card Screen

Job Card Screen: Save Job Card data – The disk is available if you have access to edit the grid directly this should not be done in stock controlled environments. Insert and delete row – These buttons are available based on users access to edit the grid, this will add an additional row or remove […]

Purchase Orders

Well Purchase Orders is a huge part of any organisations procedures. Our Purchase Order screen is very customisable and has a huge amount of settings that can affect how it would look in your organisation. Applying Overall Discount To Items On A Purchase Order The following procedure must be applied when Discount is received on […]

Routine Procedures

The Routine Procedures Menu: The Accounts Procedures Screen allows the user to: open or close financial periods to postings by double clicking on the cell concerned setup the financial calendar recalculate figures for modules The Recalculate Debtors Procedure: When in Recalculate Debtors selecting the green tick will recalculate selected debtors based on the date selection […]


How to get here: You select the Contacts  button from the Main Menu Contacts Search Screen: In the search filter you can capture any part of a contacts name or phone number. Select Names or Phone Numbers radial box.  Select Search . You are then displayed a list of contacts, select the contact required and […]

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