The above flow chart explains how PFIM determines the Selling Price to use when issuing Inventory Items to a Job Card either via the Issues process or when posting from Time Sheets to PFIM.
Category: PFIM
Create A Technician
Creating a Technician (from v 3.0.299) Creating a technician requires that you have first created your internal organisation as a customer or supplier, and associated the technician as a contact. This is done via Customer – Master File (This process is documented separately.) Inside your internal organisation you need to create a contact for each […]
Create A Sales Agent
Creating a Sales Agent (from v 3.0.299) Creating a sales agent requires that you have first created your internal organisation as a customer or supplier, and associating the sales agent as a contact. This is done via Customer – Maser File (This process is documented separately.) Inside your internal organisation you need to create a […]
Development Feedback
Job Card Screen – Proposed New Development
Proposed Job Card Screen Changes: Please review the proposed changes and provide feedback. This development is proposed to ease the use of Job Cards by grouping relevant information into Tabs and increasing the space available to display more information. The buttons in the toolbar will remain visible when a tab that they are applicable to […]
Avast Sandbox
Job Card Screen
Job Card Screen: Save Job Card data – The disk is available if you have access to edit the grid directly this should not be done in stock controlled environments. Insert and delete row – These buttons are available based on users access to edit the grid, this will add an additional row or remove […]
Purchase Orders
Well Purchase Orders is a huge part of any organisations procedures. Our Purchase Order screen is very customisable and has a huge amount of settings that can affect how it would look in your organisation. Applying Overall Discount To Items On A Purchase Order The following procedure must be applied when Discount is received on […]
Routine Procedures
The Routine Procedures Menu: The Accounts Procedures Screen allows the user to: open or close financial periods to postings by double clicking on the cell concerned setup the financial calendar recalculate figures for modules The Recalculate Debtors Procedure: When in Recalculate Debtors selecting the green tick will recalculate selected debtors based on the date selection […]
How to get here: You select the Contacts button from the Main Menu Contacts Search Screen: In the search filter you can capture any part of a contacts name or phone number. Select Names or Phone Numbers radial box. Select Search . You are then displayed a list of contacts, select the contact required and […]