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PFIM Stock Take

Stock Take Menu

The Stock Take Menu allows you to take a snapshot of the stock holding in your organisation at a point in time in order to compare this with a physical stock count. Physical stock count sheets can be generated to enter the physical count on.

Snapshots can be taken and stored for a single branch or all branches.

Snapshots can be taken and stored for a product group or all product groups.

Snapshots can be taken and stored for any combination of the above.

A snapshot can be recalled at any time to capture the physical count or generate variance reports.

After the physical stock count has been taken – this snapshot can be compared and reconciliation reports generated that show discrepancies and totals. These discrepancies can be written off at any point in time. The capturing of the physical count can take place at any time which means that data processing can continue after the physical count has taken place.

When all the physical count quantities have been captured the discrepancies can be written off – they will adjust the stock holding of the items concerned.

To recall a snapshot either enter the Stock Take ID in the field provided or select from a list of snapshots by double clicking in the Stock Take ID field and selecting from the list by double clicking or pressing Enter on the item required. Click on the Retrieve Stock Take button

Creating the stock take snapshot

From the Main Menu select Stock Take from the Stock column.

The Stock Take menu is displayed.

To create a new Stock Take Snapshot click on Create New Stock Take.

If you only want to create a stock take for a specific Branch or for a specific Product Group then enter the details into the fields provided (Branch Code and Product Group).

You can also instruct the system to use a specific reference for the new Stock Take snapshot by entering the desired reference into the Stock Take ID field.

If you omit a reference the system will prompt you before automatically generating one for you.

The system will prompt you for a date and time for the snapshot – it is recommended that you accept the automatically generated date and time.

Recalling a stock take snapshot

From the Main Menu select Stock Take from the Stock column.

The Stock Take menu is displayed. Enter the Stock Take ID that you want to recall or double click in the Stock Take ID field – a list appears with available stock take snapshots. Select the required snapshot using the arrow keys (Up and Down) or by clicking on the desired row and then double clicking or pressing Enter on the item.

The Stock Take ID field now contains the requested snapshot ID.

Click on Retrieve Stock Take.

The requested Stock Take snapshot is displayed.

Stock Take ScreenStockTakeCapture

This screen allows you to print stock count sheets (click the Print Stock Count Reports button). These sheets can be given to individuals to write the physical count of items onto.

This screen also allows you to capture the physical quantities as counted by the individuals into the Stock Count column.

The Print Stock Take Variance button allows you to generate a report displaying the difference (variance) between the physical count and the amount stored in the system.

The Write Off button allows you to adjust the stock holding in the system by the difference (variance). This can be run once any time after the physical count is captured as it adjusts the stock by the difference rather than making the stock equal the counted amount.
Generating the stock take sheets

Select and recall the desired Stock Take snapshot.

From the Snapshot screen click on the button that says Print Stock Take Report.

The report is presented for preview.

To print the report click on the printer icon.

Capturing the physical count

Select and recall the desired Stock Take snapshot.

Capture the physical count quantities into the column labeled Stock Count.

As the cursor is moved from one row to the next the data is saved.

Generating the reconciliation report

Select and recall the desired Stock Take snapshot.

Click on the button that says Print Stock Take Recon.

The report is presented for preview.

To print the report click on the printer icon.

Writing off the difference / Variance

Select and recall the desired Stock Take snapshot.

Click on the button that says Write Off.

The system asks you to confirm. If you click Yes – the stock quantities on the computer are now adjusted by the difference.

Once the Write Off procedure has been executed for a stock take it cannot be re executed or undone.