Search Peritus WIKI


How to get here: You select the Contacts  button from the Main Menu

Contacts Search Screen:

In the search filter you can capture any part of a contacts name or phone number.

Select Names or Phone Numbers radial box.  Select Search .

You are then displayed a list of contacts, select the contact required and click the show details  button.

Contacts Create New:

From the contacts search screen or contact details screen select the new contact  button.

you will be presented with an empty contact details screen.

Contacts Details Screen:

The contact details screen lets you capture aditional information for a contact. When in the Default field pressing enter ads an extra row for adding aditional contact information.

To remove a row select the row and then click the remove row  button.

to remove an entire contact select the remove item  button.

After changes are made select Save  to ensure they are stored.