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PFIM Web – Site Assets – Edit BOM Based Assets

Site Assets
The Site Assets module is an add on to PFIM which gives users the ability to view (view only
at this stage) details about Assets at a location (Site).


The user interface is web based which means that no client side installation is required. The
server side relies on the PFIM database running on MySQL, a web server configured with
PHP 5 and accessible to the clients.

The Site Assets module allows the user to select a site (PFIM customer master file) and then
display the list of assets that have been configured at that site. The list of sites can be filtered
by specifying geographical area and customer group (PFIM customer master file Group Of
Companies field).

The Site Assets module will search for a Serial Number with the name of the type of Site
Template specified in the Unit Type field (eg. Generator), assigned to the specified customer,
that appears in a bill of materials and where the Stock Master File Details has “SiteTemplate”
specified in the Product Class field.

Procedure To Create A Site Assets Schedule

In PFIM – Ensure that all the components required to be listed in the schedule exist as stock
items. Create a Bill Of Materials (BOM) that lists the components. Additionally capture data
into the Specifications1, Specifications2 and Specifications3 fields of the component stock
items as this will be displayed in the Site Asset listing. There must exist a stock item with the
same Code (and Branch Code) as this BOM. This Stock Item must have “SiteTemplate”
specified in the Product Class field. In the BOM capture the quantity of each asset(s) that will
be required or present in the schedule. In the BOM specify 1 for the quantity produced. If a
Serial Number is required to be displayed for a component in the asset list then the
corresponding stock item must be Issued to the customer (site), alternatively call up the list of
Serial Numbers at the customer and then right click on the list and select Add a Unit – in the
form that appears specify the stock code and serial number of the unit concerned – save.
Finally – issue or add the stock item with the same code as the BOM to the customer (site). In
the Unit Type field of the Serial Number specify the name of this Site Template eg. Generator
(this name must correspond to a Tab in the Site Assets Tab control) – save. This schedule will
now display for the Site.
It is possible to have many sub BOMs in a Site Assets Schedule. The top most BOM must be
linked to the customer (site) (issued to the customer with a serial number specified or added
to the list of Serial Numbers at the customer) and have the Unit Type specify the schedule
name to link the BOM (and sub BOMs) to the site.
Where there are variations to a schedule – a new (copy of an existing BOM) schedule / BOM
must be created to take into account this change. Remember to link the changed items to the
customer (site) and specify the assets schedule name in the Unit Type field of the Serial

Configuring PFIM Web – Site Assets